الثلاثاء , يوليو 16 2024

English Section

The Australian Coptic Movement Association LTD (ACM) strongly refutes recent statements made by the Minister for Emigration and Expatriate Affairs, her Excellency Nabila Makram.

Dismayingly, the Minister asserts that the reports of Coptic persecution are merely ‘rumours’. These remarks were reportedly made to Australian Parliamentarians during her recent visit to Australia according to the prominent Al Masry Al Youm newspaper. “We understand that Egypt is facing many challenges and indeed threats, however, to assert …

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!Imprisoned Children and Youths Soccer Fans in Military Court in Egypt

نادى الزمالك

HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION IN EGYPT   Imprisoned Children and Youths Soccer Fans in Military Court in Egypt!   On July 9th, during the African Champions League competitions, the Egyptian team Zamalek was one of the competitors. The match was held at the Borg El Arab stadium in northern Egypt, which is owned …

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! Coptic Activist Medhat Kelada:Doch nicht in Isrrael

Unsere Länder im Nahost verfluchen wir den Terrorismus, den wir selber produzieren, verdammen den Rassismus, obwohl wir ihn tüchtig praktizieren, verurteilen den Barbarismus und leben danach, distanzieren uns von der Diktatur und schaffen sie und verachten den Faschismus, während wir gern darin eintauchen! Israel, ist ein Land unter Nachbarn, die …

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Qatari princess having sex with seven men

The British newspaper “Financial Times” revealed a heavy-caliber scandal when the British security services had broken into a London apartment only to  find the Qatari princess having collective sex. According to the newspaper, the British police was surprised when tracing a suspect into an apartment which is owned by the …

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The Nakba in rehab

D. Adel Mohammed living the bucket Despite the tragedies and not her bone, the Palestinian nakba in 48, which was founded by a Zionist. My world, at the expense of the blood and holy and sacred you The Palestinians, it wasn’t hard right away from their situation which followed, and …

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