الثلاثاء , يوليو 16 2024
البنك الأهلي السعودي

A Saudi bank monitors equipment to copy customer data


The National Commercial Bank confirmed the truth of the videos that were circulated about the monitoring of data-copying devices on some automated teller machines Emphasizing that any device with which this happened should be stopped immediately and the security authorities should be informed after providing them with pictures of the executing person through the surveillance cameras.

The bank said in a statement today, As news and video clips circulated about the existence of ATM data copiers being installed in ATM machines through the card slider, the bank confirms that it has stopped any such device and passes the report to the security authorities; Emphasizing that all NCB agencies are equipped with the highest standards of security protection, and NCB cards are equipped with a security chip to ensure the protection of the client’s account.

The bank assured clients that in the event of any suspicious operations taking place when using a private ATM card, the empty bank would compensate the client for any withdrawals from your balance; Emphasizing the need to report to the Bank any observations or suspicions on equipment added to the ATM.”

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