الجمعة , أكتوبر 18 2024
أعمال سيتم فتحها حالا

تعرف علي الأعمال التي ستعود للعمل يومي 16 و 19 مايو في أونتاريو

قال دوغ فورد أن أونتاريو ستعود للحياة الطبيعية بشكل تدريجي

وسنبدأ في فترة تعافي الاقتصاد.

أضاف أن هناك أعمال سيتم فتحها مع

بداية يوم السبت 16 مايو علي أن تبدأ المرحلة الأولي يوم 19 مايو.

ونشر موقع حكومة أونتاريو قائمة بالأعمال التي سيتم فتحها يوم السبت وهي كالأتي:

  • Golf courses will be able to open, with clubhouses open only for washrooms and restaurants open only for take-out.
  • Marinas, boat clubs and public boat launches may open for recreational use.
  • Private parks and campgrounds may open to enable preparation for the season and to allow access for trailers and recreational vehicles whose owners have a full season contract.
  • Businesses that board animals, such as stables, may allow boarders to visit, care for or ride their animal.

أما الأعمال التي سيعاد فتحها يوم 19 مايو فهي كالأتي:

  • Retail services that are not in shopping malls and have separate street-front entrances with measures in place that can enable physical distancing, such as limiting the number of customers in the store at any one time and booking appointments beforehand or on the spot.
  • Seasonal businesses and recreational activities for individual or single competitors, including training and sport competitions conducted by a recognized national or provincial sport organization. This includes indoor and outdoor non-team sport competitions that can be played while maintaining physical distancing and without spectators, such as tennis, track and field and horse racing.
  • Animal services, specifically pet care services, such as grooming and training, and regular veterinary appointments.
  • Indoor and outdoor household services that can follow public health guidelines, such as housekeepers, cooks, cleaning and maintenance.
  • Lifting essential workplace limits on construction.
  • Allowing certain health and medical services to resume, such as in-person counselling; in-person services, in addition to virtual services, delivered by health professionals; and scheduled surgeries, all based on the ability to meet pre-specified conditions as outlined in

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