السبت , ديسمبر 21 2024
سعيد شعيب

How do you respond Canada ISIS?

How do you respond Canada ISIS?
I think that we in Canada are fighting a rotten products . But we do not take the courageous decision to close the factory , which produces the rotten products. It is important to catch Muslim terrorists in Canada, it is important that we send soldiers to fight ISIS, It is important to help How fight ISIS in The Middle East , But the most important is that we close the sources of terrorism here in Canada, which is the dominant religious discourse.
Any Muslim in Canada often , pinned down by the religious discourse of terrorism everywhere. At home and in the Arab and Islamic television channels. In the mosque and Islamic schools and Islamic organization in which volunteers to serve Islam.
If good luck, tolerant speech is being recalled from the Koran and Hadith and the Prophet’s biography and the facts of Islamic history. Talking about Peace, moderation, freedom … etc . But the problem here They do not telling the Muslim poor guy what to do with the explicit verses and hadith which are incites to terror . For example, God says, “And fight them so there is a sedition, and the religion of God if they stoped, there is no aggression except on the oppressors (The Cow 193). And the Hadith” Whoever changes his religion , kill him ” .
This speech tolerant does not tell the Muslim what to do Prophet fighter, is adorned in the genocide against the Jews of Bani Qurayza. Or destroyed all the religions symbols of all the other in the Kaaba when he entered Mecca with his army, to impose Islam on the people alone.
Muslim poor guy does not find a way out of its Islamic history full of crimes, such as the killing of the first Caliph Abu Bakr to those who going out Islam. Or incites for the invasion of the country to spread Islam like a prophet companions did . Or pride because the Muslims occupy Andalusia in Spain, and hates Israel because it occupies Palestine, and to tolerated the Iranian occupation of Arab lands, because the occupier is Muslim and not Jew.
Instead of helping the poor Muslims . Islamic organizations and the Islamists here in Canada, Saying all the time that ISIS is not Islam, criticize some of their practices, but they do not criticize ideas ISIS , That depend on islam and islam history . They don’t do like the owners of other religions, who purified the religions of all cases of violence and terrorism and renounce their bloody history.
We as Muslims and I’m muslim to should have the courage to completely abolish these blood vessels texts and facts and say that we are not obligated to them, they are linked to their time, and now it is against humanity. If we do not do so with courage we will not be part of the progress of humanity, but part of its destruction.
Saied Shoaaib
E-MAIL: saiedshoaaib@gmail.com
FACEBOOK: saied shoaaib
TIWITER: shoaaibsaied

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