الثلاثاء , يوليو 16 2024
الكنيسة القبطية
البابا تواضروس الثانى يستقبل وفد ألمانى

H.H. Pope Tawadros II Receives a group of German Tourists

Dr. Maged Ezzat Israel

 Wednesday 21,09,2022, H.H. Pope Tawadros II welcomed a group of German tourists belonging to a number of churches and cities there, at the Papal Residence in Cairo.

They came to Egypt accompanied by H.G. Bishop Demian, Bishop & Abbot of St. Virgin Mary & St. Morris Monastery, Hoexter and the surrounding churches, in order to visit a number of archaeological and religious sites and were keen to visit H.H.

H.H welcomed them to Egypt, expressing his hope that they enjoyed what they saw in the places they visited so far. He told them about the history of the Coptic Orthodox Church, and H.H pointed out that just as Egypt is characterized by the presence of pyramids in it, the Egyptian Coptic Church is also distinguished by three pyramids:

the theological education that I received from St. Mark, the disciple of Christ, the martyrdom that is part of its history, and the monasticism founded by St. Anthony the Great, from which monasticism spread throughout the world.

During their stay in Egypt, the German regiment visited a number of temples and museums, as well as Coptic monasteries and churches in Upper Egypt, Cairo and Lower Egypt.

At the end of the meeting, H.H presented them with some souvenirs, while they presented to H.H a set of books.

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