الثلاثاء , يوليو 16 2024
ثلوج كندا

Ontario Severe Storm and Hurricane Warnings

From strong thunderstorms across parts of Ontario, starting last Friday evening, Negara, Denville, and Caledona were all placed under hurricane warning The possibility of gusts of wind, which is 90 km, and warns the fire office and emergency management that you should take shelter in the event of an approaching weather hazard Other parts of Ontario are subject to special statements with 50 mm rain warnings in some are

شاهد أيضاً

الكنيسة القبطية

The ordination of a new priest for the Church of the Archangel Michael and Saint Mark in Magill in Adelaide …

Ashraf Helmy On Saturday June 22 , 2024, His Grace Bishop Anba Daniel , Bishop …

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