الثلاثاء , يوليو 16 2024
الشرطة السعودية

Saudi Interior: Six months in prison and a fine of 15,000 riyals for those who do this

12 minutes ago Latest news, Top Story, Egypt and the world Add a comment The Ministry of Interior announced that residency violators and infiltrators will be punished with deportation and a fine of 15,000 riyals It doubles in frequency to reach 50 thousand for the violator and 100 thousand for the infiltrator, in addition to six months imprisonment The penalty for transferring or employing infiltrators is doubled with imprisonment and a fine of 25 thousand to 100 thousand riyals, two years imprisonment, defamation and deportation if he is an expatriate, Penalties for enterprises that operate them include fines of up to 100,000 riyals, debarment of recruitment, defamation of character and imprisonment of the director in charge for a year. The penalties included imprisonment, fines, defamation, and confiscation of vehicles used to transport and assist the intruders The Saudis view the recent campaign of the Ministry of Interior to correct the conditions of the violating workers with great interest in controlling the market of workers, which they see as the reason for the high unemployment rate Billions of rials are wasted annually, as well as causing crimes.

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