الثلاثاء , يوليو 16 2024
مصطفى يونس إبراهيم

The disappearance of a new Egyptian in Saudi

fatma fathy

Mustafa Younis Ibrahim Ismail, a resident of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ID number 28109252601012, works for a water distribution company in Dammam called Saqah Water Marketing Company The wife, Fatma Hassan from the Bani Mazar Center in Minya Governorate, said.

I lost contact with my husband since November 16th without knowing the reason for that.

I dont know if my husband is arrested or free All I want to know is where my husband is and why he disappeared, and I have been calling on officials in

شاهد أيضاً

الكنيسة القبطية

The ordination of a new priest for the Church of the Archangel Michael and Saint Mark in Magill in Adelaide …

Ashraf Helmy On Saturday June 22 , 2024, His Grace Bishop Anba Daniel , Bishop …

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