الجمعة , مارس 21 2025
حلا شادى على عبد الله

إصابة طالبة إعدادى بهبوط فى الدورة الدموية بعد تعذيبها لتأخرها عن طابور المدرسة

نشرت   أميرة حافظ المصرية المهتمة بالعمل العام  صور وأوراق

لشكوى ولى أمر الطالبة حلا شادى على عبدالله  حسين  

الطالبة بالصف الأول الإعدادى  ضد إدارة مدرسة الجديدة الإعدادية بنات

بعد إصابة ابنته  بهبوط فى الدورة الدموية

وكاد القلب يتوقف عن النبض

  حدث كل ذلك بسبب  تأخر حلا عن طابور الصباح

فكان عقابها أن  تجرى حول  فناء المدرسة

١٢ مرة تحت الشمس المكشوفة مع إهانة الطالبة

أمام زميلاتها مما أدخلها فى بكاء هستيرى

إصيبت على آثر ذلك بهبوط فى الدورة الدموية

والأهرام تنشر صورة الفتاة والتقارير الطبية وشكوى ولى الأمر

شاهد أيضاً


كندا تستعد لانتخابات مبكرة لمواجهة تهديدات ترامب

الأهرام الكندي .. تورنتو يستعد رئيس الوزراء الكندي الجديد مارك كارني لإعلان انتخابات تشريعية مبكرة …

تعليق واحد

  1. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Ministry of Education,

    since yesterday is in many press releases to read what happened the day before yesterday morning to my daughter Hala Shady Ali.

    My daughter, a girl of 11 years of delicate stature and shy nature, but a very diligent and inquisitive student, came to the lesson 5 minutes late for an exception.

    As a result, she was not admitted to the class by a staff member of the school (we hope she is not a university diplomat teacher), but had to serve a sentence instead. This was that she had to run with her backpack with school books on her back, 11 laps around the sports field!

    My first question to you: How can it be that such unqualified staff at a public school are authorized to give instructions to our children?

    My second question: Which rule plan has the lady taken from such an obsolete chastisement method? We are here far away from the word pedagogically meaningful! These processes are more reminiscent of military fitness training!

    Due to the fact that this task is well beyond the limit of the resilience of a girl of that age, she collapsed and was temporarily unaware.

    Now I have an urgent question: what can happen if I send my child to school tomorrow? What will you do to stop something like that, or worse, happening?

    She is now out of danger, but continues to be monitored medically and continues to receive infusions and medication. Certainly, however, she has suffered mental damage and it will take a long time before she can approach school again without fear.

    I hope that my daughter will regain confidence in the teachers and the education system through her highly detailed research and further action.

    Sincerely and with best regards!

    Shady Ali Abdallah and family

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