الثلاثاء , يوليو 16 2024

Two Armenian Catholic priests shot dead by terrorists in Syria


Terrorists have gunned down two Armenian priests in Qamishli, a city in northeastern Syria, Armenpress reports, citing Gandzasar.

Pastor of the Armenian Catholic Community of Qamishli Priest Hovsep Petoyan and his father Priest Abraham Petoyan were traveling in a vehicle en route to Deir ez-Zor when terrorists opened gunfire on their car and killed them

Terrorists have gunned down two Armenian priests in Qamishli, a city in northeastern Syria,

Pastor of the Armenian Catholic Community of Qamishli Priest Hovsep Petoyan and his father Priest Abraham Petoyan were traveling in a vehicle en route to Deir ez-Zor when terrorists opened gunfire on their car and killed them.

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